All You Need to Know About Oral Surgery

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All You Need to Know About Oral Surgery

Any surgical treatment in or near your mouth and jaw is referred to as oral surgery. These procedures are mostly performed by a dental expert who specializes in performing these procedures. These specialists are also referred to as periodontists or oral and maxillofacial surgeons. This could involve procedures such as jaw surgery, dental implants, gum grafting, or tooth extractions. If you experience any dental health problems, visit our dental clinic, and our oral surgeon near you will help you determine the best course of action to address your concern.

Why is Oral Surgery Conducted?

Your dentist can recommend oral surgery near you for a wide range of reasons. It is considered if you have:

  • Tooth decay that is incurable
  • Damaged teeth
  • Gum inflammation
  • Impacted teeth
  • Missing teeth
  • Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD).
  • Jaw bone deterioration
  • Sleep apnea
  • Oral cancer
  • Non-cancerous lumps or bumps in the mouth

Types Of Oral Surgery

Oral surgeons can perform a wide range of treatments. The most popular oral surgery procedures that are recommended to improve your oral health are mentioned below.

1. Tooth extraction

It is also referred to as tooth removal and is the most common procedure. It is recommended if you have extensive tooth decay, gum disease, oral trauma, or problems with your wisdom teeth. To make a place for dentures or other prosthetic devices, an extraction may be required.

2. Bone grafting

You will need a dental bone graft if there has been jawbone loss. Because there are no roots to stimulate the nerves, bone degeneration might occur if you have missing teeth. In order to insert dental implants to replace your missing teeth, this procedure restores the volume and density of your jawbone.

3. Dental implants

Dental implants are the most reliable and long-lasting option for replacing missing teeth. These zirconia or titanium implants are inserted inside the jaw to replace the missing teeth’s roots. Once the implants are positioned, they can be covered with dental crowns, bridges, or dentures.

4. Periodontal surgery

If you have moderate to severe periodontitis or a gum infection, your dentist may recommend periodontal disease treatment. During this surgery, the surgeon makes incisions along your gum line and pulls tissue away from your teeth. Your dentist will clean the roots of your teeth and remove plaque and bacteria that have formed below the gum line.

5. Jaw surgery

Orthognathic surgery treats skeletal issues with your impacted jaw bone. It is commonly advised to fix biting problems, chewing difficulties, misalignment of teeth, or facial imbalances.

6. Sleep apnea surgery

The tissues in the back of your throat may recline while you sleep and obstruct your airway. This condition is sometimes treated with conservative methods including oral appliance therapy or the use of a CPAP machine. In some complex cases, surgery is advised.

7. Cleft lip and palate repair

A baby born with a cleft lip or palate has a tear in their upper lip, whereas a kid born with a cleft lip has a slit in the roof of their mouth. in some cases, they might be born with both disorders. The tissues of the face do not fully mature in the uterus, which causes this condition. Maxillofacial surgeons usually perform this type of surgery to enhance speech development and reestablish proper chewing function.

The Process

To determine the optimal treatment option for your dental issue, your healthcare practitioner will evaluate your teeth and oral health. To gain a clear image of your teeth, roots, jawbone, nerves, and other crucial oral components, they will take x-rays and scans. Our oral surgeon in Gibsonton will design a customized treatment plan using this information.
Sometimes oral surgery is performed at a dental office as an outpatient procedure. Your surgeon may suggest nitrous oxide, oral medications, or light or moderate intravenous (IV) sedation for your comfort. In other instances, oral surgery might be carried out in a clinic under general anesthesia.

How Long Does Oral Surgery Take?

The type of oral surgery performed, the number of teeth being removed, and whether sedation is chosen all have an impact on how long it will take to complete the surgery. Although some treatments, such as corrective jaw surgery, could take two to three hours, the average duration for single tooth extraction is 30 minutes.


1. What should you eat after oral surgery?

Avoid crunchy and firm foods after oral surgery to accelerate healing. Eat soft meals such as curd, soup, noodles, mashed potatoes, fish, custard, eggs, and rice. Cold foods may assist in soothing the surgical area.

2. How long does the pain last after oral surgery?

The recovery time differs from person to person, most people resume feeling like themselves in approximately a week. Recovery will take longer the more comprehensive the oral surgery. Your doctor will prescribe medications to keep you comfortable throughout this time.

Visit Orange blossom oral surgery if you’re looking for oral surgery in Gibsonton to treat your dental concern and restore the health of your teeth, gums, and jaw.

Contact us and schedule your appointment today!