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  • Do Dental Implants Require Bone Grafting?
do dental implants require bone grafting

Your implant specialist may recommend a dental bone graft before you obtain dental implants. Bone grafting in the mouth is a minor operation. Most of the time, only local anesthesia is needed.

This surgery lessens problems that can arise from a deteriorating jawbone or tooth loss. After a successful bone graft, the patient’s bones will be strong enough to support a dental implant. With the help of synthetic bone grafts, adjacent teeth can be stabilized.

If you’ve been advised that you don’t have enough jaw bone to support dental implants near you, a bone graft is a great alternative to explore. Talk to your dentist to learn more. 

What is the Bone Grafting Process Like?

This standard dental implant surgery strengthens a narrow or short jawbone. It is needed to repair the jaw bone before implants or to avoid loose teeth following tooth loss or gum disease.

Dental grafting comes from many sources. FDA-approved donors can provide synthetic or natural bone transplants. Dental bone transplants can be patient-derived. Autogenous dentin grafting is an alternative to bone grafting using the patient’s extracted tooth.

A sinus lift or dental implant is usually performed after a tooth is pulled, and bone grafting material is put in at the same time. Your implant dentist or oral surgeon must wait until your jawbone heals and strengthens before replacing your tooth. The graft will fuse with your native bone during recovery, giving a stable foundation for dental restorations and tooth stability.

Necessity of Bone Grafting for Dental Implants

If you’ve been told you can’t get dental implants because you’ve lost too much bone, a dental bone graft may be your ticket to a brighter grin. When substantial bone loss is present, a bone graft procedure may be required.

Bone grafting in Gibsonton is optional for everyone before getting dental implants. If your implant specialist determines that your bone is too thin or weak to support dental implants, they may recommend a bone grafting treatment. 

Or if your tooth loss has caused your nasal sinus lining to sink and lift, bone grafting can help secure additional teeth in your mouth that have been damaged by gum disease, even if you don’t obtain dental implants.

What is the Healing Time for a Bone Graft and Implant?

A bone graft can take 3–6 months to heal. The grafted bone tissue must stimulate the bone adjacent to it through osseointegration to unite the bones at the surgical site. Implants are implanted after bone healing. From synthetic bone graft implantation to final replacement tooth implantation, the process can take months. 

How long it takes to get back to standard following dental work varies by person. Your dentist can provide a more accurate time estimate for dental bone grafting. In 6–8 weeks, full recovery usually follows a few days of pain. 

While your mouth heals, eat soft foods and avoid chewing on the affected side. Minor bleeding or tissue irritation is normal, but severe pain is not. If you underwent gum disease oral surgery near you, your implant dentist may offer antibiotics to preserve the bone, soft tissue, and blood vessels.

Bone Grafting or Implant Surgery: Which is More Painful?

When it comes to dental care, getting implants is a relatively painless process. While most patients undergoing maxillofacial surgery only require local anesthesia, others may want to be sedated for their comfort. Our specialist will brief you on what to anticipate prior to your dental implant operation. 

Depending on the location of the bone graft, it may be more irritating than getting an implant. The healing time for a bone transplant in the upper jaw after a sinus lift procedure is typically longer than that required for a dental implant. 

However, if bone grafting is performed just after an extraction or before a simple dental implant treatment, it may only irritate the gum tissue somewhat. While the new bone fuses to the adjacent teeth, it’s advisable to eat soft foods.

Who Can Perform a Professional Bone Graft?

An oral surgeon or periodontist, both of whom specialize in implantology, will typically perform oral and maxillofacial oral surgery in Gibsonton, such as implant and bone graft placement. 

Visit Orange Blossom Oral Surgery

Our qualified team of periodontists here at our local dental office provides expert care. In addition to advanced services like bone grafting and implant restorations, we also offer standard dental treatments like cleaning and fillings. Discover the benefits of trustworthy, lasting oral healthcare. For a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our dentists, please call us now.